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Nameless RPG

Matrix technology is all about simulated experience. Humans have put its techniques to good use in the development of training programs. These bits of software allow the knowledge and skill of a master to be inserted directly into the brain of anyone possessing neural implants. (Unfortunately, this excludes Free Born humans.)

As a result, all Free Minds have a vast array of skills at their command. What's more, they can acquire new skills as needed during missions by simply requesting a training program from the Operator. Assuming the Operator has the needed skill on hand, the upload process usually takes less than a minute.

Training programs do have their limitations. First, they can only be written for technical skills. There are no training programs for leadership, diplomacy, art, creativity, or Zen. If you couldn't program a non-sentient computer to do it, you cannot write a training program for it. Experience is still necessary to gain the insight and wisdom to use knowledge well.

Second, acquiring new skills in this manner is an exhausting process. The more you download, especially without resting, the harder the next one will be. (In game terms, some kind of endurance or willpower test should be made every time a training program is uploaded into a character during a mission. Failure means that no more new skills can be loaded during that scene or game session, depending on how generous the GM is feeling.)

All Free Minds should have the highest possible starting stats in all of the following skill areas:

It's worth noting that this helps take some of the powergaming out of character creation. If all your characters start out as combat monsters, players have to find other ways to differentiate themselves. "Soft" skills (that you can't right programs for) are one good method, as are unique talents, flaws, and other non-skill traits.